San Camp

San Camp

San Camp is situated on the edge of the vast and mysterious Makgadikgadi Salt Pans.

Accommodation is in six classic white tents, each with en suite bathroom. All tents have a private verandah on which to take in the views across the pans.

The guides at San Camp team up with a small group of Zu/'hoasi Bushmen to guide guests on morning walks and game drives. Venturing far into the centre of the Makgadikgadi, on quad bikes, guests are able to explore remote archaeological sites, periodically discovering never before documented fossil beds of extinct giant zebra and hippo. The fact that one can travel across the pans at great speed and still arrive nowhere only underlines their immensity.

A safari at San Camp is also a complete desert experience focusing on species unique to the area such as aardvark, gemsbuck and springbuck. It is the only place where guests are virtually guaranteed to see the rare and elusive brown hyaena and be able to walk through the Kalahari with a gang of habituated but wild meerkats.

  • Remote desert camp
  • Guided walks with Bushmen trackers
  • Game drives
  • Meerkat walks
  • Visits to Chapman's Baobab
  • Zebra and Wildebeest migration (wet season)
  • Quad biking on the Pans (dry season)
  • Unique sleep out (dry season)

Enquire Online or call our experts:
+44 (0)161 789 8838