Jacana Camp

Jacana Camp

Jacana Camp is situated in the private Jao Concession on the Moremi Game Reserve boundary in the Okavango Delta.

Located on an island and surrounded by the seasonally inundated floodplain and papyrus swamps, the camp consists of five Meru-style tents built on raised wooden decks offering panoramic views of the Okavango Delta. Each tent has an enclosed en-suite bathroom featuring a roofless shower which is lit by dappled sunlight and shade or by the stars themselves at night. The main dining area is on an elevated platform between two magnificent sycamore fig trees and surrounded by dense wild date palms. Jacana Camp also has a cosy pub and lounge, with an area for an open fire under the stars; and a plunge pool for cooling off in the midday sun.

Activities at Jacana include mokoro trips and walking safaris (which must be requested prior to travel) in the Okavango Delta all year round, as well as game drives during September and May when the floodwaters have receded. There are also two platform hides within the Jao Concession. 

Jacana Camp is set in one of the most densely populated wetland areas for sitatunga and red lechwe. All the big animals can be found regularly in the area including elephant, lion, leopard and buffalo. Wildlife concentrations within this part of the Okavango Delta depend on the water flow and volume, and therefore change from season to season. Birdlife is abundant; enthusiasts can spot Pel's Fishing-Owl as well as African and Lesser Jacanas and a host of other Okavangospecials such as Slaty Egret, African Pygmy-Goose and Western Banded Snake-Eagle.

  • Day and night game drives (water levels permitting)
  • Mokoro trails
  • Walking safaris
  • Superb birding

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