Kicheche Mara Camp

Kicheche Mara Camp

Kicheche Mara Camp has moved from its former site in Lemek and is now located in Acacia Valley in the Mara North Conservancy. The camp is located in a prime wildlife area and game viewing starts right from the camp itself.

The camp prides itself on offering a friendly and relaxing stay. Accommodation is in eight tents each comfortably furnished with an en suite bathroom and flushing toilet, and low wattage lighting is supplied 24 hours. All tents overlook the Olare Orok stream and the western escarpment of the valley. Triple and Quad tents (1 double & 2 single beds) are also available. The camp lounge has a spectacular view down the valley and offers comfortable seating, a library, board games, cards and local crafts.

Early morning and late afternoon are the most productive hours for game drives and the safari customised 4x4 vehicles give everyone a perfect view. Watching wildlife at close range, but without encroaching on their space, is endlessly fascinating and the guides' instincts and experience provide superb photo opportunities of wild animals. Picnic breakfasts, lunches and sundowners are popular options to include on game drives.

A different perspective is gained through escorted walks on the savannah. Safety is paramount when leaving camp on foot so all walks are escorted by an armed ranger.

  • Small tented camp
  • Well away from the crowds
  • Morning and afternoon game drives
  • Guided bush walks
  • Local village and school visits
  • Seasonal migration camp

Enquire Online or call our experts:
+44 (0)161 789 8838