Iharana Bush Camp

Iharana Bush Camp

Located nearer to the western part of Ankarana National Park, Iharana Bush Camp is a quirky mix of traditional Malagasy design and distinct African touches. Iharana is owned by a Cuban gentleman who has employed fantastically welcoming Malagasy management and local staff to run the camp.

At present there are 8 locally built and designed two-floored bungalows, each of which have a 'living room' area and bathroom on the ground floor and bedroom on the upper floor, linked by steep wooden steps. Each bungalow is open sided, so expect creatures to be in and around the room. There is no hot water in the bungalows, but there is normally electricity. As this is a very eco-friendly lodge, they try to limit electrical use and if cameras/phones need charging, this can be done in the office.

The main part of the lodge is made of wood with local carvings and artefacts dotted around the tables and comfy chairs placed around the social area. The main area includes the restaurant and large deck which overlooks a lake and large rock massif. This decking is littered with cushions and is a truly beautiful spot from which to watch the rocks seem to change colour as the sun sets. Food in the restaurant has a real local Malagasy feel and is generous and hearty.

From the lodge, visits to the local village are encouraged and well worth doing to learn about the local culture. A short pirogue trip and walk to the top of the massif offers fantastic views over the local area. Although not for everyone, due to the simple nature of the rooms, Iharana is a fantastic choice for those who want an authentic and unique experience.

  • Unique open-sided 2-storey chalets
  • Eco-friendly lodge
  • Good restaurant
  • Local village visits

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