Waterbuck Private Camp

Waterbuck Private Camp

Waterbuck Private Camp is a completely private camp situated on a dry river bank, with great views affording excellent game viewing opportunities.

Waterbuck at Kings Camp is a 4-bedroomed villa with its own safari vehicle with guide, personal butler and private chef. The camp can accommodate up to 8 guests making it ideal for families or small groups. Accommodation consists of a luxurious, upstairs Master Suite with open plan bathroom and a comfortable viewing lounge. There are also two ground floor Luxury Suites and a detached Luxury Garden Suite. Suites all overlook the private gardens, swimming pool, viewing deck and boma to the dry river bed and the bush beyond.

Activities at Waterbuck Private Camp are completely tailor-made to its guests. These include game drives with a personal ranger in the camp’s private vehicle. Afternoon game drives get back after dark, which gives guests the opportunity to spot nocturnal animals with a spotlight.

Guests can also enjoy bush walks which are the best way of experiencing the finer aspects of the bush. The camp’s personal ranger will guide guests through the fauna and flora of the Timbavati Reserve, pointing out insects, grasses, trees and the smaller species that are all an integral part of the Timbavati ecosystem.

  • Luxurious private safari camp
  • Ideal for families or small groups
  • Big 5 viewing
  • Fantastic birdlife
  • Walking safaris
  • Tailor-made game drives
  • Private chef, butler, vehicle and guide

Enquire Online or call our experts:
+44 (0)161 789 8838